In pumps and compressors
Often in a flat spring design
For many applications suitable

In balanced and no balanced mechanical seal available
Independent of direction of rotation
Big range of different types available

Many seals available in stock
Perfect price and lifetime
For many applications available
Mechanical seals are used to seal rotating shafts that operate with pressurized fluids. They are found, among other things, in centrifugal pumps, agitators or reactors. The sealing effect is achieved by the sliding surfaces pressing against each other. Mechanical seals consist of a stationary and a rotating part, which rotate together with the shaft. The rotating part has one or more springs whose task is to press the sliding surfaces together.
Trust only in the Original.
Siethom is known for quality.
Our task is to offer the customer a suitable and affordable solution. We know the competition and the sealing market very well. We offer a wide range of mechanical seals and are always ready to assist customers.
Quality, availibility and a perfect service.
For many mechanical seal suppliers, the business ends when they deliver the seal. We think further and would like to offer our customers a corresponding service. We take care about their plant and find the right product.
We offer a lot of different types.
Siethom your partner for sealing.
We offer a large number of different mechanical seals. Besides the type of mechanical seals, the right material pairing is also very crucial for a longer life of the seal. For the production of mechanical seals, quite different materials are used depending on the fluids the seal faces may come into contact with. We can offer Carbon, Silicium Carbide, Tungsten Carbide, Ceramic, Steel and many more different materials. All our products and the complete production is proofed.

Our Clients
Vidigendit ideliatem reped ullor as voloratenis autae int fugiamus.
Lenzing AG
Bore rero int haristi conet quandae maximpe lenihic tescilit occae Vellect otaspedi aut.
Vidigendit ideliatem reped ullor as voloratenis autae int fugiamus.
voestalpine Stahl linz
Vidigendit ideliatem reped ullor as voloratenis autae int fugiamus.
Voestalpine Donawitz
Bore rero int haristi conet quandae maximpe lenihic tescilit occae Vellect otaspedi aut.
Multispring seal
Our task is to offer the customer a suitable and affordable solution. Trust in the real brand, trust in Siethom.

Recommended for working with sticky uids and uids laden with particles and bres. Unlike the multispring models, the wave spring model cannot be blocked or obstructed and its open leaf design produces a self-cleaning effect.
Standard L9 type stationary part.
Seal compliant with standard EN 12756 (KU). Available with a pumping ring on the casing to re- duce the temperature between the contact surfaces and facilitate the barrier uid movement in the case of double mounting (reference 110F).
Contact surface kits supplied available.

ABx, ABx 20
The set of springs placed around the contact surface of the rotating part generates a more uniformed load than in models with a single spring.
The ABx is suitable for many different applications. Seal compliant with standard EN 12756 (KU). The LMS20T uses a PTFE wedge as a secondary seal and is appropriate for highly aggressive chemicals and for thermal oils with high temperatures. The version in inches has a standard stationary PF. L22 part.

ABx 2, ABx 220
The balanced contact surface design allows the me- chanical seal to be used in applications with high pressures without suffering premature wear.
The set of springs placed around the contact surface of the rotating part generates a more uniformed load than in models with a single spring.
It can be supplied with PTFE wedge for highly aggres- sive chemicals with high temperatures.
Seal compliant with standard EN 12756 (KB).

The springs are not in contact with the uid. Ideal for working with particle-laden uids in which standard designs tend to become blocked.
Internally balanced, with no need for a stepped shaft Suitable for working in applications with high pressures. The O-ring resting on the shaft does not cau- se wear as there is no axial movement (changes in pressure).

It can be used in vertical agitators with moderate speeds without the need to apply auxiliary lubrication systems. Adapted to DEBRIS cleaning systems.

Double seal for working with barrier uids in which the springs are isolated from the uid product.
API 53A and API54 assemblies.
Recommended in applications with toxic, pollutant or potentially dangerous products in which safety is an important factor. Available with a pumping ring on the casing to reduce the temperature between the contact surfaces and facilitate the barrier uid movement (reference 740F). Available in a balanced version with a stepped shaft (reference 740D). Contact surface kits available.

A special mechanical seal design for food transfer pumps in which the rotating part is secured by a pin to the casing and the xed part contains the springs, which remain static and isolated from the product at all times.
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