Mining industry
Cement industry
Coal industry
Bauxite material

Scraper lenght from 500 to 2400mm
Allowing closed chute including secondory scraper
Twin scraping on secondary available
Sensitive tension with SENSTENS
PU material including for high temperature applications

Closed chute allowing
Easy change based pull out option
Less carryback based on twin solution
Continous tensioning with SENSTENS
Patented solution
The Belt Cleaning System SIETHOM has developed and patented is based on many years of field experience with client’s background about weak points in relation to various scrapers models of competitors. The technology is based on conditions „just as usual“ but mainly on the challenging heavy duty applications of installations at Quarries, all kind of Mines, Steel plants, Cement plants, Pelletizing plants, Fertilizer plants, etc., extended to the very special heavy duty material applications such as Bauxite, wet coal, coal dust, various types of sludge and products which have to be unloaded from vessels becoming wet and sticky during the transportation and so very difficult to clean the conveyor belt, but also products like cement, flour, wheat bran, etc., which are very sticky and difficult to get cleaned off from the belt surface. In addition surely our scrapers are also used for Clinker Iron Ore, and all kind of Pellet transporting conveyor belts.
Several facts of our SIETHOM SHARK patented scrapers differ from market known scraper brands:
modular design
Construction of the scraper in modular design.
PLUG system
Design based on a PLUG system construction for easiest mounting and blade change.
No scaffolding
Blade change allowed without scaffolding of the chute.
no spillage
Chute wall can remain completely closed – no spillage.
SENSTENS Technology
Tensioning system based on SENSTENS Technology – the responsible installation and maintenance staff can “FEEL” the tension by turning the SENSTENS till scraper blade is touching the belt and following 1-3 klicks at the ratchet system and the belt is perfectly pre-tensioned

SIETHOM secondary or main scraper
Several facts of our SIETHOM SHARK patented scrapers differ from market known scraper brands:
modular design
Construction of the scraper in modular design.
PLUG system
Design based on a PLUG system construction for easiest mounting and blade change.
No scaffolding
Blade change allowed without scaffolding of the chute.
no spillage
Chute wall can remain completely closed – no spillage.
SENSTENS Technology
Tensioning system based on SENSTENS Technology – the responsible installation and maintenance staff can “FEEL” the tension by turning the SENSTENS till scraper blade is touching the belt and following 1-3 klicks at the ratchet system and the belt is perfectly pre-tensioned
SIETHOM Secondary or Main Scraper in Twin Design
The Twin design warrants a significant increase of the cleaning percentage and so is assisting together with the SIETHOM patented primer to reach a cleaning performance of avoiding CARRY BACK of almost 100%.
modular design
Construction of the scraper in modular design.
PLUG system
Design based on a PLUG system construction for easiest mounting and blade change.
No scaffolding
Blade change allowed without scaffolding of the chute.
no spillage
Chute wall can remain completely closed – no spillage.
SENSTENS Technology
Tensioning system based on SENSTENS Technology – the responsible installation and maintenance staff can “FEEL” the tension by turning the SENSTENS till scraper blade is touching the belt and following 1-3 klicks at the ratchet system and the belt is perfectly pre-tensioned
SENSTENS is a SIETHOM created name which indicated the „FEELING“ opportunity of a pre-tensioning scraper system. SENSTENS is based on a sensitive (by feeling) pre-tensioning, activated by torching of elastic elements inside the body of the SENSTENS, as detailed described at the SIETHOM European Patent.
The huge advantage compared to other brands of tensioning systems is based on several elements, such as: this system is used for both scraper types – primer and secondary. Most important but is that, SENSTENS c allows a complete closed chute for the secondary scraper as well as for the TWIN SCRAPE.

SIETHOM Belt Cleaner various models
Besides of the herein already described models of Belt Cleaners, SIETHOM has designed numerous further cleaner blade types for the primer and secondary scraper. The here shown variante is assisting by means of a steel blade to get a perfect cleaning result, but on the other hand due to both sides cover to protect the belt against scratching and damaging. This Variante also exists in Twin version.